My Morning Routine: A Fall Refresh

Dana Leigh Lyons
8 min readOct 28, 2020


Morning routine, mindfulness, meditation, self-care, skincare, soul care, ritual, clean beauty, aging, over 40, yoga, sobriety, intention

It’s been a few months since I shared my morning routine, and a few details have changed with the transition into fall.

Personally, I love reading other people’s routines. Peeking into the quiet, simple parts of different lives captivates and calms me. If that rings true, you’re in the right place!

First, a recap from the previous post on having routines that work and last. This has several components:

  • Making them personal and supportive for you and what you want and need
  • Making them doable and sustainable (Simpler is usually better.)
  • Making them dynamic, responsive and intuitive
  • Committing to sustained follow through

The last two points reflect Yin-Yang balance. On the one hand, a routine is only routine (with the desired benefits!) if we learn to “stick with,” rather than bouncing from one thing to the next. That’s the Yin part.

On the other hand, a routine that stays static and stuck in the face of an ever-evolving self and ever-changing conditions stops being supportive.

I take inventory of my routines regularly — especially on the first of each month — to ensure they still feel “alive” and in alignment. If not, I make edits. Usually these are small; sometimes they are radical and sweeping. Either way, that’s the Yang part. It keeps routines updated for real life, rather than some fantasy life. It also keeps things interesting and fun!

Since the last post, much has stayed steady…as other things have shifted. Today I’m sharing my refreshed morning line-up. Feel free to drop questions in the comments, and I’d love to hear what your mornings look like this fall!

Image by the Blowup, Unsplash

Waking, skin, meditation

Alas, I’ve gone back to using an alarm after not setting one for months. The reason? I don’t want to miss the live meditation and dharma talk here.

Gil Fronsdal has been my primary meditation and spiritual teacher for two decades. Since COVID got underway, he’s been offering live 7am sessions via YouTube. A group of nearly 500 of us from around the world tune in Monday through Friday. After a half-hour meditation, Gil then gives a dharma talk. Each week is a different series; currently, we’re delving deeper into the 8-Fold Path.

I wake up in time for this naturally (or, unnaturally, thanks to early rising cats), but want extra space beforehand to:

  • Feed LingXu and LingDao (who are adamant that they come first)
  • Take my herbs with a glass of water and turn on my coffee maker (which I get ready the night before)
  • Take a 90-second freezing cold shower
  • Do a 30-second facial massage with a DIY oil blend (Currently, this includes castor oil, rose hip, and sea buckhorn. I love The Ordinary for simple, customizable basics like 100% cold-pressed rose hip oil. Beautycounter and other non-toxic brands also find their way into rotation.)

All this takes about 15 minutes. I then do a minute or so of simple stretches before tuning into Gil and settling into lotus for the next half hour. It’s still dark when we begin, but the sun peeks over distant mountains just as the meditation is ending. It’s perfect and lovely.

The meditation itself is lightly guided — Gil sets the stage and offers a prompt at the beginning as well as a check-in partway through. Much of the sitting is in silence, however, and I love this. It allows space to go deeper.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez, Unsplash


Backing up a minute, I want to say a word about sleep since it’s hugely important to my morning…and the rest of my day. I sleep with blackout curtains and keep my phone on airplane overnight and usually out of the bedroom.

Since getting sober, my sleep has been phenomenal. After a lifetime of insomnia, this still blows my mind. I’ve gotten more consecutive hours of sleep in the past year than in the last 5 years combined. My sleep is also way sounder. This isn’t rocket science: Even one alcoholic drink reduces average REM cycles from 7 to 2 a night.

I’ve up-levelled my sleeping game further by getting a mattress I love (shop my link for $75 off), keeping house lights off during the day, and using BLUblox glasses while staring at digital devices (laptop and phone).

There are many other reasons for this hack, including:

  • Protecting eyes from strain
  • Protecting the delicate skin around the eyes from blue light damage
  • Regulating hormones and the endocrine + immune systems
  • Regulating mood and countering anxiety

Again, wearing BLUblox glasses helps with sleep too — our daytime habits have an enormous impact on our nighttime experience.

Waking naturally without an alarm was also a game changer for me when it comes to energy and mood. That said, the impact of starting each day with Gil has been worth the trade-off.

In addition to doing the morning sitting, I practice with the morning’s teachings, insights and intention throughout the day. It makes a world of difference in how I experience self and others. I then return to a recording of the morning’s talk later, with my evening meditation. This also sets the stage for more serene sleep…and getting up for meditation tomorrow.


When the 30-minute meditation ends and Gil shifts into the dharma talk, I move my body while listening. This is where I weave in yogic movement and breath work in the form of the 5 Tibetans, plus a few add-ons.

I’ve done this every morning for years now. It gets my body moving and offers a mindful, meditative, intentional transition into the day.

Bulletproof + writing

After meditation, moving and breathing, I blend a bulletproof beverage. The details of this change, but I alternate between coffee and coffee alternatives that are actually good for me and support sustained energy, like adaptogen-rich MUD/WTR.

At present, I’m blending my brew with 1 tablespoon of collagen powder (use the code ALCHEMIST for 10% off), 1 tablespoon of goat colostrum powder, and 1 teaspoon of grass-fed, local butter. While savouring this drink, I work on my book for a minimum of 30 minutes. Writing time is the most delicious part of my day.

I DO NOT get online (other than to join Gil) until after book writing and also writing in my gratitude journal. This single, initially difficult practice has had a tremendous impact on my mental state.

Only afterwards do I check email, engage a bit on social, and read a thing or two online.

Even then, I’m super conscious about not getting lost in “consumption” or administrative tasks at this precious hour, instead prioritizing creative work like blog writing and other online activities that are fun, meaningful and inspiring. This is extra important in my world — sets the tone for everything that follows

Image by Monika Stawowy, Unsplash

Sweat + movement

These days, I next head downtown for a hot boxing, fitness, barre or yoga class. If that doesn’t happen, I take a walk outdoors followed by a 30-minute sweat in my HigherDOSE sauna blanket.

If I use my infrared sauna in the morning, I listen to an inspiring podcast or read a book while inside. I also spend at least 10 minutes in there doing gua sha on my neck and face. Remember those oils I applied earlier? They’re great here.

The HigherDOSE sauna offers countless benefits and I can’t rave about it enough. Use ALCHEMIST75 at my link for $75 off, supporting:

  • Detoxification
  • Better sleep
  • Calorie burning (up to 600 calories per hour)
  • Graceful aging and skincare (boosts collagen and produces a healthy “glow”)
  • Reduced anxiety (increases feel-good chemicals and lowers cortisol)
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Increased blood flow and circulation
  • Relief for sore muscles and joints

Why this one, specifically? A few perks:

  • Low EMF heating
  • Easy to clean, store and care for
  • Premium non-toxic interior and exterior fabrics
  • Healing amethyst to deepen the benefits of infrared
  • Tourmaline layer to generate negative ions
  • Charcoal layer to amplify detoxification
  • Medical-grade magnetic strip for improved blood circulation

Am I an affiliate? Proudly! This thing is So. Good.

After a sweaty class or sauna session, I take another 90-second freezing-cold shower. I then leave my face as is (the oils from earlier are still doing their thing), or I indulge in my newest skincare crush: Malibu-based OSEA.

If I don’t apply OSEA then, I do so later, after an evening shower. I featured this brand in a full post because I’m completely smitten. It’s the best-feeling thing I’ve put on my face in years.

What’s more, our skin is incredibly porous and anything we put on it becomes systemic. Plus, the entire OSEA experience is amazing, including lots of thoughtful touches. I also just plain adore the women behind the company and their mission.

Image by Engin Akyurt, Unsplash

Late morning lunch

It’s usually 11am or so by this point…and some days I start teaching Chinese Medicine college at noon. Prior to that or work with clients, I make a simple lunch.

I’ve practiced intermittent fasting (IF) for many years and continue to thrive on it, so this is my first meal of the day. I eat super slowly, taking about an hour, and savour every bite while enjoying delicious, non-stressful:) blog posts. Only afterwards do I dive into more “serious” work.

And that wraps up the Yin-Yang of my fall mornings! Steady, consistent and solid…and dynamic, responsive and adaptable. Highly comforting and efficient in its predictability…while spacious enough to allow for edits and evolution.

Does this sort of post interest you? Want to hear about my afternoon and evening line-up? Let me know in the comments!

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In integrity + alchemy, Dana

This post includes affiliate links. I may earn a small commission on goods purchased through those links. I always select items I genuinely love, trust and want to share. Thank you for helping me keep my blog up and running!

