Something Creepy This Way Comes

Also, Medium updates and “new rules”

Dana Leigh Lyons
5 min readOct 22, 2022
Image of me, age 47, by Brian Limoyo

When I hired the talented, kind, gracious Brian Limoyo to take pictures for my brand and business this month, he had his work cut out for him.

For one, I have a major aversion to getting my picture taken — a story wrapped up in anorexia recovery and ongoing body dysmorphia. It’s a whole thing, and one I talk about on Medium and even more intimately (if you can believe it) in my newsletter.

But also, I’m like: “I cringe at having my picture taken and especially my face. How about you shoot this shape instead?”

Upon seeing the shot (pictured above), Brian was like: “Um, that’s creepy.”

Yeah, kinda is.

Thank you for helping me through this photo shoot, Brian! Wait until you see what I pull next time!! Also, that was clickbait…

Now, about Medium.

Here’s the thing. I don’t love Medium anymore. I do adore a handful of writers here (maybe two handfuls). But otherwise, the platform hasn’t been the best fit lately.

Why? It’s not you, it’s me.

When it comes to writing, I’m working on a Big Thing. That’s my priority, and glimpses of it find their way here.

