The 3 Things I Bought During Quarantine (as a Hardcore Minimalist!)

Dana Leigh Lyons
5 min readMay 21, 2020


Minimalism, infrared sauna blanket, noise cancelling headphones, books, quit lit, yoga, manifestation

When it comes to minimalism, I’m hardcore. Case in point:

  • I own 2 spoons, 1 fork, 1 knife, 2 pots, 1 pan, 2 bowls, zero plates.
  • I don’t own a dresser, side table, couch, living room chairs, coffee table, or tv. I did buy a bed last summer.
  • The entirety of my clothes fits into a carry-on.
  • The entirety of my books fits into a small bookcase.
  • I moved ALL of my belongings from Nelson, BC, to my current home in Victoria in my 2-seater MINI. (That was before I bought the bed.)

I simply do not have space for clutter in my life. Energetically, it drains me, causes dis-ease, and gets in the way of the Work.


I’m a reclusive introvert, work remotely (even before the Big Q), and treasure my home space.

I also recognize that when I feel good in my home, I’m able to show up more fully for others, including students and coaching clients. And…I crave the following:

  • Ideas + inspiration
  • A daily sweat
  • So. Much. Silence.

During quarantine, the latter two were sorely lacking. I no longer got my daily sweat at hot yoga…and was hit by an amped-up cacophony of lawn machines and the courtyard screams of a 3-year-old named Bubba and his partying parents (true story).

So, hardcore minimalism notwithstanding, I made a few investments. This is more than I’ve spent on myself in…well, longer than I can remember.

Was is worth it? Abso-fucking-lutely. Here’s what I got.

Noise-cancelling headphones — preventing neighbourhood slap downs like a Boss

Noise-cancelling headphones

I put off buying noise-cancelling headphones for So. Long. Now that I have them, just, wow. Total game changer.

I’m super sensitive to noise (lawn machines, in particular, drive me batshit this time of year…but also tv noises and other “electronic” sounds). If I’m eating, I have to stop and wait for the noise to finish before resuming. Otherwise, my stomach will be in knots.

Truly, my entire being craves silence. The sounds of birds, rain or waves work too. (Also kirtan and other music, sometimes.)

I’m always shocked at how few people seem bothered by noise. I literally can be crawling out of my skin and others don’t seem to notice the sounds at all!

Where do you fall on the noise-sensitivity spectrum? Have headphones? Please chime in (softly;) in the comments!

HigherDOSE Sauna Blanket (not my bedroom)

HigherDOSE Sauna Blanket

Love, love, LOVE my new infrared sauna blanket from HigherDOSE. ⁠I’d tried similar products before…and was highly disappointed to say the least (barely sweat, which for me is the whole point).

My HigherDOSE blanket is totally different and totally amazing. In a half hour I get the Big Sweat I’ve been craving since going into the Big Q and missing hot yoga.⁠

I’ve never had any problems practicing yoga without heat or sweat and still do plenty of yoga…but was really missing what sweat does for my mind, mood and skin. I typically follow with a quick, VERY cold shower.⁠

Overnight, I became a raving HigherDOSE fan and immediately signed on as an affiliate. It’s pricer than others I’ve tried…but actually works.

Even when things open back up, I love knowing I don’t need to rely on a studio to get my daily sweat. Having that part covered at home encourages me to explore other, non-heated studios and classes.

Want one? HigherDOSE is currently taking orders for their June shipment (and may run out). Use the code ALCHEMIST75 for $75 off.

The Universe Has Your Back

Books, books, books

The last thing I’ve been buying? Books. After editing my collection to fit a small bookcase, I’ve started growing it again.

The past handful of months, I’ve watched zero television…and have been devouring books. Here are the most recent ones I’ve purchased, torn through, and emphatically recommend:

  • Quit Like a Woman: The Radical Choice to Not Drink in a Culture Obsessed with Alcohol, by Holly Whitaker
  • We Are the Luckiest: The Surprising Magic of a Sober Life, by Laura McKowen
  • This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol, Find Freedom, Discover Happiness & Change Your Life, by Annie Grace
  • You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth, by Jen Sincero
  • Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine, by Mike Michalowicz
  • The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear to Faith, by Gabrielle Bernstein
  • Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life beyond Your Wildest Dreams, by Gabrielle Bernstein
  • Revolution of the Soul: Awaken to Love Through Raw Truth, Radical Healing, and Conscious Action, by Seane Corn
  • Untamed, by Glennon Doyle

As the wise Gabby Bernstein writes in The Universe Has Your Back:

“What we focus on we create — be it good or bad… We spend our days collecting information and images to support our inner movies.”

I’m consuming content and teachings that feed the inner movie I’m choosing to watch and co-create.

How about you? What movie are you streaming and co-creating? Is something unhelpful on repeat?⁠ I’m NOT saying don’t feel all the feels — including fear, sadness, grief, pain, heartbreak, and loss. Feel them! Hold them!⁠

But let’s take tremendously conscious care with our filters + thoughts — and what we’re choosing. Let’s remember: What we focus on grows.⁠

How are you doing this? Read anything good lately? What have you purchased during the Big Q? Are you a minimalist or maximalist? I’d love to hear in the comments!! xo.


I help women who are newly sober craft lives they love.

If you’re craving that, check out my customized plans + coaching.

For DIY support, get my brand-new-so-frickin-excited-to-share Sobriety Kit + Recovery Journal.

In integrity + alchemy, Dana

This post includes affiliate links. I may earn a small commission on goods purchased through those links. I always select items I genuinely love, trust and want to share. Thank you for helping me keep my blog up and running!

