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A Minimalist Review of the Ocushield Bamboo Weighted Sleep Eye Mask

Biohack sleep, slay your day (or, like, just feel better)

Dana Leigh Lyons
8 min readMay 3, 2023
Bamboo Weighted Sleep Eye Mask, Ocushield
Bamboo Weighted Sleep Eye Mask

Hey. Dana here. I’m a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, a certified Primal Health Coach, and fairly versed in functional medicine, biohacking, and life optimization for health and longevity.

I’m also a hardcore minimalist and have been for decades (my entire adulthood, and I’m now 48). I own fewer than 30 items of clothing (including outwear, shoes, and socks). I have one mug, fork, and spoon. I don’t have a tv, table, or couch. I drive a two-seater MINI. That sort of thing.

My minimalist approach carries over to medicine. The most powerful remedies are usually the simplest:

  • Eating simple, whole, unprocessed food
  • Ditching alcohol and other toxins
  • Spending time in sunlight and nature
  • Moving our bodies often and intuitively
  • Staying off social media
  • Getting enough quality sleep

I mention all this to say: I’m keen on holistic health hacks and on keeping my routines and possessions carefully curated.

When brands reach out offering free products for review, my answer is usually: “No, thank you.”

But…sometimes a product feels worth trying, is an item I’ve been seeking, or is something I already use. The “worth-it,” “seeking,” and “already-using” criteria all applied in this case. Here’s the what and why.

From a University Competition to Happier Eyes

Ocushield is a new-to-me, certified B-Corp specializing in creating a range of FDA-medically rated blue-light-blocking products, including glasses, screen protectors, and lighting.

I’ve written before about the dangers of blue light and what I’ve done to mitigate its impact. If you think it’s quackery, well, you’re not up on the science (and probably on the wrong post!).

Anyway, a guy named Dhruvin (Hi, Dhruvin) developed Ocushield as part of a university competition. Guess who won?

It started with a dissertation…which became a research project…which became a company creating a range of stellar, FDA-rated, blue-light-blocking solutions.

Post-competition, Dhruvin qualified as an optometrist and watched his products reach more than 152,342 customers (and counting). His founding teammates include optometrists, sleep clinicians, and (responsive, real-live-human) “customer pleasers.”

When Ocushield reached out wanting to send me stuff to try, I responded as I usually do…with great hesitation bordering on a knee-jerk no. Thankfully, I took a look at their site and offerings before hitting delete!

Turns out, the items they sent (gifted, no strings) are top notch and well worth promoting. So…I’m not only writing this post but signed on as an affiliate (another thing I’m SUPER selective about these days).

Today, I’m featuring their Bamboo Weighted Sleep Eye Mask. Future posts will cover other Ocushield products helping folks reduce the harmful effects of blue light and improve overall well-being.

Ready? Let’s go.

Bamboo Weighted Sleep Eye Mask, Ocushield
Bamboo Weighted Sleep Eye Mask

My Honest Review of the Bamboo Weighted Sleep Eye Mask

I’ve written previously about how I used to think I neither needed nor wanted an eye mask for sleep…but then tried one…and have worn it every night since!

We’re talking 365 nights a year, several years in.

It makes THAT much of a difference. Even if you already use blackout curtains or think you sleep fine. Even if you, like me, are already experiencing the phenomenal, proven sleep benefits of giving up alcohol.

While I love my original sleep mask, it tends to wear out after one year. That’s still a pretty good deal given my nightly use and the well-worth-it benefits. And yet…I was quietly considering more durable, sustainable options.

I’ve only had my Ocushield Bamboo Weighted Sleep Eye Mask for a couple weeks and time will tell. But so far, so good! The quality is extremely promising!

It’s also more than a sleep mask, which I’ll get to in a sec. For me, wearing a sleep mask has become non-negotiable, but I’m as excited about what else it does. Hold tight on that — first, let’s cover the basics.

The Bamboo Weighted Sleep Eye Mask is:

  • Developed by optometrists
  • Endorsed by the Sleep Foundation
  • Recommended by leading sleep expert Dr. Whitney Roban
  • Made from premium bamboo and satin
  • Breathable and hypoallergenic

By blocking all light, it promotes healthier sleep.

This is super important. ANY amount of light — especially artificial light — disrupts sleep. Poor sleep (number of hours and/or quality) plays a MAJOR role in physical and mental illness (as well as energy levels, mood, immune function, severity of pain and autoimmune conditions, and longevity). Even if you don’t buy this mask, dial in your sleep!!

Made of fleece, bamboo, and satin, the mask is also reversible:

  • An ultra-soft fleece cushion on one side offers warmth for winter nights.
  • A cooling bamboo filter on the other is perfect for steamy summers or folks who run hot (raises hand).
Bamboo Weighted Sleep Eye Mask, Ocushield
Bamboo Weighted Sleep Eye Mask

But that’s not all! It’s calming, weighted, and designed for hot or cold therapy!

The Bamboo Weighted Sleep Eye Mask comes with a detachable hot and cold compress filled with little beads. The shape of the mask and the beads distribute a calming, weighted sensation across key pressure points around the eyes and face. (As a Chinese Medicine doctor, I’m here for it.)

The bead holder can be removed and heated or cooled for eye therapy. When warmed, the eye mask can relax the eye area and open pores, allowing oils to lubricate the eyes and alleviate dry eyes.

When cooled, the mask can reduce inflammation and puffiness. I’m particularly jazzed for this option, since my face and eye area are prone to early morning water retention and puff.

You could also alternate hot and cold, perhaps while meditating, listening to calming music, or savouring an uplifting podcast. Eye spa, anyone? :)

Bamboo Weighted Sleep Eye Mask, Ocushield
Bamboo Weighted Sleep Eye Mask

Can a weighted sleep mask help with insomnia and anxiety?

Yes! At least in my case. While I can get behind the science and results of many biohacks aimed at boosting health and longevity, I’m not necessarily the best at integrating them into my intentionally simple, tightly curated routines unless there’s an immediate, felt incentive to do so.

Since I started wearing a sleep mask, one of the biggest benefits has been that even just putting it on after nighttime reads cues my body and mind that it’s time to stop thinking and sleep. If I wake in the night with anxiety, I focus on the reassuring pressure of the mask “holding” my eyes and face.

The Bamboo Weighted Sleep Eye Mask takes this a step further since it’s, well, weighted. Don’t worry though — I don’t find it overly heavy. It’s designed to rest gently but firmly on calming pressure points.

What’s more, it’s big — meaning, it covers more of my face than just the eyes. Before trying, I was skeptical of this larger size — as a minimalist, I tend towards smaller, not larger. After trying, I get it.

Covering a larger surface area ups the counter-anxiety and calming effect (at least for me, although everyone’s different — if you too struggle with anxiety, snag other ideas from my anti-anxiety toolkit).

Plus, the larger size is great when using the mask as a hot or cold compress. Has far more impact that way!

Thoughtful touches speak worlds.

Also worth mentioning: How you do one thing is how you do everything, and I super appreciate Ocushield’s high-quality packaging and attention to style and detail.

I may be a hardcore minimalist, but I’m also into things that look and feel really nice. When I do add to my tightly edited, consciously curated collection, I select items that are superior quality and produced and packaged with care.

Similar to when I choose to buy a pricier coffee and spend an hour or two writing in a cozy coffeeshop, I recognize that — no matter what I buy — l’m paying for the experience. When it comes to material possessions (which last longer than lattes), all the more so.

Anti Blue Light Laptop Filters and More!

Although I focused on Ocushield’s Bamboo Weighted Sleep Eye Mask in this post, I’m excited to review their Anti Blue Light Filter For MacBook Air & Pro soon!

I share a bit about the effects of blue light on sleep, the eyes, and overall wellness here. If you’re skeptical, I encourage you to try some things mentioned in that post and perhaps invest in Ocushield blue light glasses or a filter for your computer, iPad, or phone…then see how you feel!

Find everything above — plus sleek lighting, an online eye test, and more great stuff — right this way.

Anyone else taking steps to minimize the impact of technology on eyesight, sleep, health, and wellbeing? Share in the comments!
Anti Blue Light Screen Protector For Laptops, Monitors And PCs

P.S., Hey, long-lost Medium pals! Ahem…cough, cough.

So…I haven’t posted here since departing for Substack. I share more personal (sometimes confronting) essays there but decided to resume posts featuring products I use and love here, on Medium.

If you’re curious about the Substack side of things (including the trouble I’ve been up to ;), head over to The Alchemist’s Notebook.

I’m also planning to write a post comparing my experience on Substack with my experience on Medium — including but not limited to how much more money I’ve earned and subscribers I’ve gotten since switching over. Also, how Substack’s new “Notes” feature offers the sort of dynamic community interaction that I used to enjoy in Medium comments.

With Notes, it’s more of a shared third space, which I find leads to interesting on-and-off-platform connections. Plus, Substack is one of the few well-populated, rapidly growing platforms that remains censorship free and exceptionally supportive of writers.

Anyway, would a (friendly) Medium vs. Substack showdown interest you? LMK. Find me here. xo, Dana

This post includes affiliate links. I may earn a small commission on goods purchased through those links. I always select items I genuinely love, trust, and want to share. Thank you for helping a micro business owner!

